Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Well we've had a busy few days here at Lewinnick House; Doom and Gloom JR came and went, one to Berlin and one to Sussex, Tony and Pan came from Sweden for the weekend and have since departed; back to Sweden. Keiron arrived on Thursday and hasn't gone anywhere, except to the fridge for another Stella.

Friday was spent preparing for and then analysing after the fact the dismally apalling and pathetic performance by the England team.

Some of the crowd in a jolly, pre-game euphoric mood as we anticipate a splendid English victory. The mood was very short lived.

You can see Doom wearing his 'lucky' red England hat given to him by an evil Scots shaman. Various members of the household have worn the hat, all to no avail. The hat has one more chance or on returning to Canada the hat will be returned to said Scotsman in an apropriate place, likely the Walker House.
Saturday was spent recovering and preparing for the Australia-Ghana game; we went into town and watched the game at an Australian barnlike bar called Walkabout. Security was everywhere, even at three-o-clock in the afternoon, but given Australia is entirely populated by criminals it's hardly suprising.

Sunday we went for a two hour hike across the cliff tops to be rewarded with a glorious Sunday lunch at the Treguth Arms in Holywell Bay

The first thing we had to do on our two hour journey was to cross the Gannel River which was achieved courtesy of a ferry.

The last part of the journey was to get down from the cliffs and into the village.

Post lunch was spent outside with occasional trips into the bar to replenish our drinks and to check on the New Zealand-Italy game. There was much celebrating over the Kiwi performance; as if we needed an excuse.


  1. are you hearing plenty of the vindaloo song??
    if not... check out fat les, vindaloo on you tube before todays game to get you in the mood!!

    Dunc & Duncette

  2. Wot's the difference between the French and a teabag?

    Teabags stay in the cup longer.

    Kiwis top Italia...apocalypse rising!!!!!
