Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Miss Wigan's triumphant arrival

So Miss Wigan arrived on Saturday; her flight to England and subsequent flight to Newquay were uneventful. She was immediately given a beer and a chair so she could watch football; which she did for a while before, not suprisingly, hitting the sack.

Sunday we went to the Treguth Inn for Sunday lunch again, bringing Miss Wigan along with us; it was another lovely stroll and lunch was well worth the effort.

The Treguth Inn was built in the 13th Century, here we all are waiting for the pub to open.

Of course Sunday was the England-Germany game and anxiety levels were through the roof.

Gloom and Gloomette dressed for the occasion. Sadly, as we all know by now, it didn't help.

Kieron left after the game and shortly thereafter it all became very hectic. It appeares some poor soul got into distress at Fistral Beach and search and rescue helecopters and zodiacs were everywhere looking for him. As you can see from the picture below the sea was pretty rough that day. His body is yet to be recovered.

The rest of the week has been fairly quiet, we've been fishing off the rocks around the house, walks into town for lunch and of course watching football.

There's a house in Newquay perched on a huge rock and it's pretty spectacular; it's up for sale right now for 1.2 Million Pounds. How many houses have their own suspenion bridge though.

We're off on a boat trip for the next couple of hours, I hope it's calm as I'm as bad in a boat as I am on the plane.

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