Friday, June 25, 2010

Two weeks in.

So we start our third week here at Lewinnick Cove House; the weather continues to be very kind which is really quite remarkable considering Wimbledon is on and it always rains at Wimbledon.

The pool has been put to good use, it's a bit precarious getting in and out but it's well worth the bother.

Here's Doom going for his early morning constitutional;

Joined later by Kieron and as you can see from the look on his face the water is refreshingly cool; at least I think that's what he said.

Recyling day came and went and after several phone calls to the local council the recycling bags were picked up. It's almost comforting to know that council workers all over the planet are cut from the same cloth. When the garbage was picked up the bin was tossed to one side and the lid no where to be found; just like home.

Here's Gloom standing guard over a weeks worth of recycling, you can be sure the bulk of the recycling consisted of empty water bottles, empty organic vegetable containers and cereal boxes.

For our pre-game warm up on Wednesday; just to get in the mood for the England game, we all walked over the Gannel River to West Pentire to a pub recommended by Kieron called The Bowgie. Excellent views across Crantock Beach were the perfect relaxant to what we anticipated would be a very stressful afternoon. The three pints of Sharp's Doom Bar didn't hurt either.

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