Monday, June 14, 2010

Tid bits from Doomette

Yes. it's finally real. We're here!!! The flight was pretty uneventful which is all you can ask for when travelling with Doom!
Upon arrival at Gatwick, I decided I needed a nice hot black coffee. Found a 'Costa' outlet and ordered a small black coffee - got the usual stare and restated my order AND got my first reminder that a dollar is a pound when you are in England. 1.80 for abovementioned coffee!!!

We stayed at the Radisson Edwardian the forst night because we got in a day earlier than Gloom and Gloomette. We had an amazing meal at a nearby Pub called The Pheasant. Malc's meal was so big he couldn't finish it. Highly recommeded.

We drove here on Friday and the trip was beautiful. Scenery was great. Lots of lush greenery.

The apartment is great. Lots of living space and the views are amazing. Here is a picture of my view from the apartment when drinking my morning coffee.

David and Michael are here at the moment, which is swell.

England game was disappointing but not so much as the Aussie game. I figure they got robbed last World Up so I was cheering for them.

NOTE TO CHOCOLATE LOVERS - We were in line behind a woman at the local grocery. She was fairly tall and slim and looked normal enough but her shopping cart was full of cookies. cookies with chocolate, chocolate and chocolate with chocolate. She did not have a single piece fruit or veg. It was amazing. 38 pounds !!!!! That is about 60 dollars. How is that for a challenge!!

We have lots of ideas for tours and walks. We'll keep you up to date.

Can you believe that Malc actually found a beer named 'Doom' AND he likes it!!!!

This is a picture of our place from the pub up the road. It takes about 7 minutes to walk directly uphill to the pub. I said we need to put in a zip line to get us home and then we discovered we can just hop a little fence and scale down to the driveway.

For Football fans - When asked what he would be if he weren't a footballer, Peter Crouch replied 'A virgin' - LMAO.
Cheers for now!!!

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