Saturday, June 26, 2010

So our return journey from the Bowgie was uneventful, even the ferry boat ride with 5 of us jammed into a boat the size of couch passed without event

We then settled down to watch the England - Slovenia game and even the calming breezes and more beer couldn't lower the anxiety levels. There was much pacing and cursing and ultimately much celebrating when the final whistle blew.
You may have noticed the 'lucky' red hat is no where to be seen. It stayed on the mantle for the duration of the game and that's likey where it will continue to reside until further notice.
Miss Wigan arrives today; we are filled with anticipation.


  1. Well I am glad too see all is well across the pond. The pics are great and it's also comforting to know that although you're on vaction the recycling continues!!!!! One request though, I would like to see a pic posted from inside the local pub!!!!!
    Well Gloom we're not out of it yet. I have been faithfully wearing my team jersey to work under my monkey outfit and silently cheering in my cubical!!!!
    Although I have been flying the Italy flag from my truck window my heart lies with England!!!!
    Sunday will be a nail biter for sure. Cheers for now and 'GO ENGLAND GO'........Tres

  2. Oy
    Is jordigirl our very own Mary T??
    If so, have seen the flag change from Italy to
    if its not you jordigirl I apologize...
    but we all know who the turn coat is!!!

    p.s. i am searching for my Brazilian shirt
    have also worn my Netherlands shirt in the past week.... as well as England... so who am I to talk


    p.s where our Doom & Gloom's diatribes of negativity & sadness??
    are you having too much fun on the holiday??
    hope you are
