Monday, June 14, 2010

Well we've been here for three days now and it's all ben a bit subdued really. Subdued in a very good way; every one just chilling out, scoping out the local geography, grocery stores and pubs and sampling local brews and generally getting into full vacation mode.

The football has been suprisingly good, apart from the France game which was a snore fest and a disgrace. Obviously England's game was a dissapointment but then again they usually are; you don't get the monicker 'Doom and Gloom' for no good reason.

The location of the house and the house itself are spectacular, it's just high tide with a good stiff breeze and the noise is deafening from the wave crashing on the rocks; oh sorry, that's Doom snoring but never the less the noise coming from outside is still quite loud.

The path you see heading out of the top of the picture leads to the access road and also, quite conveniently, to the only other building on Pentire Head; a pub.

Here you can see Doom and Gloom JR enjoying a pint of Ginger Tosser at the Lewinick Cove Lodge while the Ghana-Serbia game plays on in the background. Does life get any better than this?

I wish I could tell you I invented the name Ginger Tosser for the beer but sadly if I did I'd be lying. Ginger Tosser was followed by a pint of Doom Bar and both are very respectable local ales.

Watched the Australia-Germany game last night and obviously given the make up of the guests here it was all a bit sad; Teutonic Robots (highly skilled and athletic robots it has to be said) outplaying the plucky Colonials. Of course it doesn't help when your best player is sent off; shortly after the sending off the local constable knocked on our door asking us to keep it down as there had been a noise complaint from the pub next door.

Here's Mr and Mrs Doom and Gloom dressed for the occassion. After the 4th goal the Australia noise makers were, not surpisingly, tossed into the ocean.
That's about it for now, no big plans for the day as yet; I guess we'll see what the weather decides to do and take it from there.
Doom and Gloom

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