Saturday, June 5, 2010

Doom and Gloom 2010; The Cornwall Saga

I've just set up this blog and now feel the need to see if it's going to work or not so here's a brief outline of what to expect. Doom and Gloom are going to spend a month in Cornwall, with their lovely wives, taking in the glorious countryside on extended hikes and cliff top walks but only if World Cup games don't get in the way. This is all about football, beer and: well that's about it really. Doom and Gloom will do their best to keep you up to date with all the comings and goings at Lewinnick Cove as seen from their cliff top perch so stay tuned. First of all we have to get there of course so don't expect much between now and Thursday; actually don't expect much period; that way you won't be overly dissapointed.


  1. ready & waiting with a box of tissues & an extra case of bud!!


  2. Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.

    It's off to the Glen for a quick nine before the matches start.

    C'mon the Reds!!!!

  3. Pissed I reckon.

    Poor Tweedledum....Green lets him down.

    I can hear it from here.

    Dee: "You said Green was like a wall.

    Dum: "Didn't"

    Dee: "Did"

    Dum: "Didn't"

    Dee: "You picked Argentina"

    Dum: "Never!!!"

    Dee: "Did!"

    Dum: "Didn't"

    Dee: "Did! Did! Did!"

    Dum: "You picked FRANCE!!"

    Dee punches Dum

    Dee: "You say sorry"

    Dum: "No"

    Dee sulks, Dum looks about blankly.

    Dum: "Pint?"

    Dee: "Awright."

    Dum: "Frog lover."

    Dee kicks Dum's shin.

  4. & now the world crashes on the gloom side as well!!
    there was no way ever that was a red card!!

  5. Bunny is most embarrassed...own goal for Poulsen!!!!

    Nice to see you're all still alive and well.

    Smashing house!!!! Fantastic.

    Dad's cousin (considerably younger) surfs at Fistral often. Send pics of Doom on the longboard if possible.

    Cheers, St. Mirren FC

  6. They don't blow up frogs there anymore.

    Frog lovers.
