Monday, July 5, 2010

Town with no pub-Part 2

So after lunch we headed to Cubert to watch football in a pub.

This required more walking, over fields;

Over more gates;

And yet more fields; and when we got to Cubert there was no pub. The last pub closed 3 weeks ago. So we caught the bus back to Newquay and watched it there; Doomette commented that she'd never been to a village in England that didn't have a pub. I guess there's a first time for everything.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A town with no pub

Football resumed on Friday and to get in the mood we took a 2 hour and 15 minute walk to Trebellan to visit the Smuggler's Den, a 13th Century pub. The journey started at high tide so we took the ferry across The Gannel River.

The trip was down lanes.

Over stiles.

Across fields

Over gates

Down more lanes

Across more gates

Until we reached our destination

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jamie Oliver

Thursday was another day without football so we journeyed to Watergate Bay for lunch at 'Fifteen'.

Miss Wigan and Doomette were very happy sitting at the front of the upper level of a double decker bus for the trip there

Watergate Bay is tiny but with the Jamie Oliver Restaurant now residing there the building of new complexes and the renovation of existing buildings is in full swing; and high end to boot.
We got to Watergate Bay early for our noon reservation so we stopped into the Watergate Bay Hotel for a pre lunch drink. It was all very posh but in an understated way and of course a great location right on the beach. Three bloody marys and a martini cost 28 pounds (about $42) so we were definitely paying for the view and ambience.

The food and the service at Fifteen were exceptional, as you would expect, and we left very satisfied customers.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

All at sea

So Wednesday was a football free day and to while away the hours we went for a three hour tour on the SS Minnow. Was it only me that was a little concerned by this coincidence?
Anyone who knows me knows that I hate boats but felt fairly secure that a trip around Newquay Bay would be OK; how wrong can you be. Turns out Newquay Bay is about 30 miles long and stretches out for two miles; it also turns out that Gloom and Gloomette are not the greatest sailors either. Of course Doomette and Miss Wigan were loving it; the rougher it got the more they loved it.

Here we can see Miss Wigan taking particular delight in watching yours truly trying to stay upright while taking a photo.

We fished for mackerel on the first part of the trip, Gloom looking particularly nonchalant while using a hand line.

We stopped over a reef and fished with rods for a while and this is when the swell got to us.
I won't go into any graphic detail but we were happy when it was time to head back to harbour

We only caught two mackerel which we decided weren't enough for supper so we fed them to a particularly fat and happy seal

When we hit dry land all I wanted was a beer to reduce the queaziness but Miss Wigan tucked into a pitcher of Sangria.

When we got back to the house we decided to continue fishing and maybe have a fish supper; but we caught nothing, again. Luckily the Indian Take-Away was still open and we didn't go hungry

Today is also a football free day and we are off to Watergate Bay to Jamie Oliver's restaurant 'Fifteen'. Miss Wigan is hoping Mr Oliver will be there so she can have a perve.